Have you ever been in an emergency situation where someone was having a stroke, and you wish you had the knowledge and skills to provide the assistance that they needed? With the right training, you’ll be able to save lives and buy time for a person suffering from a stroke or a drowning incident.
Healthcare Solutions Training Academy offers classes that will prepare you for such instances, as well as guide you through the processes in order to remain calm in the midst of distressing events.
Having knowledge of First Aid will ensure that you can help a person during emergencies and prevent further health risks.
Getting certified in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) will help you provide assistance by ensuring that a person’s heart is constantly pumping blood and that their airways aren’t obstructed, so you can buy time until emergency responders arrive.
Learning to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is extremely helpful when someone is suffering from a sudden cardiac arrest. It is a medical device that will help analyze the person’s heart rhythm and deliver an electrical shock when necessary, to re-establish a normal rhythm.
Anyone who wants to be certified can sign up for classes, including:
- Nursing home employees
- Daycare staff
- Lifeguards
- Flight attendants
- Correction officers
- Teachers
- Camp counselors
- Personal trainers
- Babysitters
- Nannies
- Fitness instructors
- Parents
Book a class today!
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